Tairano Mitsuki WAS a quiet, and reserved girl. Now, she always shows her disdain and annoyance on her face.


Her favorite book is still the brick


She used to fall under the deredere stereotype. Now that she is free from her MC Privileges, she's always mad.


Her rich aunt pays for her apartment and tuition, as some sorta sorry method for her deadbeat brother.


Tairano Mitsuki isn't as soft-spoken nor elegant anymore, always trying to find ways to ruin the people she hates' life. Although she rarely explodes in anger, she always judges the other's opinion, and choice of doing stuff. She hates a certain pink-haired bitch for stealing the only thing going on for her. she is mildly vengeful, already satisfied seeing the people she hates being pain.


She has short darker desaturated blue hair that reaches to her cheeks, and short bangs only reaching up to her forehead. She has small eyes and pupils, and aggressively dark eye-bags. She wears the sailor fuku, as any female students would, thigh-high black socks, and wears her outside shoes anywhere in the school.

Tairano Mitsuki [Mitcchan]



AGE: 15 years old
LIKES: Achieving her goals, & reading!
DISLIKES: Getting something stolen from her.
OTHER: She cuts her own hair